
Post No. 1

I know the world doesn't need another blog.

My reason for becoming a blogger is not humanitarian but purely selfish. Come August, I will no longer hang my hat in Arkansas, the land of opportunity and endearingly flattened vowel sounds. I am moving to Iowa City, IA for grad school. With all of the changes that a 651.67 mile move entails, I figure I will need a way to stay in touch with all of you that are so near and dear.

I don't know what regular features you folks would like to see in a blog, so I'm taking suggestions. They better be good, too. I refuse to have a lame blog, so make them brilliant. I know you have it in you.

More soon.


Blogger Unknown said...

so...what constitutes a lame blog exactly? i mean, would you consider my blog lame?? with my straightforward writing and all?

my $.02 (just noticed there's no cents key): we still want to hear what you're up to even if it seems hum-drum to you.

oh, and enable the word verification. it'll keep ads and stuff off of your comments section.

6:49 PM  
Blogger r. harrison said...

regular posts (once a week minimum.)
posts about me.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

i just want it all. is that too much?

5:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh, and don't get upset and make a fuss if nobody posts comments for a while. it doesn't mean that nobody's reading it. it doesn't mean that what you say isn't beautiful & important. it doesn't mean anything...

5:50 AM  
Blogger r. harrison said...

boooooo...not enough posting going on here.

2:58 PM  

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